Designing Fair and Inclusive AI: Learning from the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church


  • Erly Lumban Gaol STIPAS Tahasak Pambelum Palangkaraya-Central Kalimantan

Kata Kunci:

Fair, Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI), atholic Church Social Teachings, Theological Foundations, AI Implementation


The Catholic Church has a long tradition of developing church social teachings. The social teachings of the Catholic Church emphasize the dignity of every human being, solidarity, subsidiarity, and social justice. In this era's technological development, the Catholic Church opened its arms to the progress of the times, including the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The presence of AI in the context of the Church's social teachings has triggered various responses from God's people. The significant development of AI affects various aspects of human life. However, concerns have arisen in various parties regarding the fairness and inclusiveness of AI, where technological developments strengthen social inequality and ignore the interests of vulnerable groups. The social teachings of the Catholic Church offer reference documents as a guide and essential notes as a basis for understanding the presence of AI. This article explores how the social teachings of the Catholic Church provide the theological and ethical foundations for designing fair and inclusive AI. They provided documents of the social teachings of the Catholic Church, including social encyclicals and other relevant documents. Concepts such as human dignity, social justice, participation and subsidiarity are the main discussions in this paper.

